Vibrant, Chromatic colors are possible when using grout from Grout360. Great for tile jobs or mosaics where more color options are desired. The material you will receive already has the color added and all you have to add is water. Custom color matching is available. We can custom match most paint swatch color cards from Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, the Home Depot and Lowes. We also match to tiles, painted wood samples, fabric, Pantone Colors, etc.
Technical Info and Installation Instructions:
ANSI 118.7 and ISO 13007-4 CF2FAW
Contains mildew resistant additive
Polymer Fortified
Contains High Density Fibers to improve crack resistance
Sealer additive to help prevent stains
Sanded grout is to be used in grout joints from ⅛” to ½”.The mix is easy to use, just add water. It is enhanced with Polymer to create Hard, Long-lasting, Professional results. Sanded Grout is used for any size grout lines 1/8″ and wider. Although the specifications state unsanded grout be used in grout lines that are exactly 1/8″, you really should use sanded for them. It will ensure proper adhesion to your tile and guard against too much shrinkage. Sanded grout has fine sand added to it. This prevents the grout from shrinking too much as it cures. That’s why it is used for larger grout lines and should be used for the majority of tile installations.
If you have a polished stone such as granite, marble, limestone, and some polished travertine, you should be careful about using sanded grout. While sanded may be the correct choice for the size of grout lines, it may not be the best choice. Depending upon the polish of the stone the sand in the grout may actually scratch it. If you decide to use sanded make sure you test it in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it will not scratch your finish.
Steps for mixing and installing the Sanded grout.
Add appropriate amount of water to a clean mixing container.
Add the grout
Stir for 3-4 minutes
Let sit/slake for 5 minutes
Stir again for 1 minute
Apply grout with float
Remove excess from surface
Wait 15-20 minutes for grout to stiffen up
!!Very Important!! Lightly clean off excess with clean, slightly damp sponge, sponge should not be dripping water. It’s very important not to wash away the top layer of grout, as the color will not be the same throughout the project. Using too much water will make the color appear washed out.
Wait 3-4 hours
Remove haze with soft towel, microfiber or cheesecloth
Do not walk on for 24 hours if applying to floor tiles
Wait 3 days and then seal with several coats of a high quality grout sealer.
Color variations can occur in any white Portland cement product. Slight color differences are normal.